Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Falling in L💙ve and Taking Risks... Academically Speaking

Hello NCC!

Welcome to (virtual) campus... for some, it's "welcome back," and for others it's "welcome aboard!"

We had the pleasure of kicking off our Conversations About College series yesterday, sharing thoughts and experiences connected to the idea of setting ourselves up for academic success. 

Just wanted to follow up by reminding us all (new and experienced students, new and veteran staff and faculty alike) of the things to keep in mind to help with  settling in (academically) and feeling safe and comfortable enough (academically) to take the healthy (academic) risks of putting ourselves out there (academically) so that we can grow (academically). Have I mentioned that this is about academic growth? 😂 

Truth is... it is not only about academics, particularly in this unpredictable era of COVID-19. Use the following guidelines (slides below) in as many aspects of your life and world where they fit. Most of all, try to remain mindful of the connections between what you do/how you take care of yourself, and the successes and struggles that you experience. 

Thank you for joining me for a great Conversation About College. I wish you the best of luck this semester and beyond. 


Attachment = 'love,' a strong bond that
 draws us close to one another and keeps us safe...

and there are 3 major factors that contribute 
to who/what make us feel safe:

1. Responsiveness

2. Familiarity

3. Comfort

and now is the time 
for you to nurture those qualities in yourself

Wishing you health and success! 

💙 LK

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